Winter 10×10 – Outfit 2


I wore the exact same thing as yesterday with a different scarf. Nobody noticed or said anything.

I switched out a base layer for a cardigan, so a black silk ribbed cardigan is item #5, although it is almost visually identical to the black ribbed turtleneck.

I had to sit in 2 long meetings. The outfits and the challenge didn’t help. My life isn’t transformed. I didn’t even stress less about my outfit because I just worried about how to survive the freezing cold and dryness of my basement classroom (which I have adapted to) without basting in hell in the stifling airless meeting rooms.

4 thoughts on “Winter 10×10 – Outfit 2”

  1. Have you heard of Tynan? He blogs and travels and has his wardrobe down to basically the same outfit everyday. I used to backpack outdoors all the time and loved the simplicity of it. So now after raising two children and dealing with everyone’s wardrobe needs, I pretty much fantasize about the one perfect outfit that could handle every situation and that’s all I’d have (I said fantasy, but still). I am really looking at !00% wool for this reason. Thoughts?


    1. I haven’t heard of him! What’s his blog?

      I don’t think wool is that great. I have sensory issues and find it completely itchy against my skin, even very fine wool and cashmere. I don’t think a perfect outfit for everything exists, in wool or any other fabric. The temperature varies by about 90°F depending on the season, but maybe it could work in a temperate climate like San Fransisco. Or just wear whatever Tynan is wearing 🙂


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